People our age bonding with Jay Farrar and others on the road to five major league and three minor league parks in eight days. Join us.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Eagles Have Landed

I greatly appreciate JF's adherence to my request that the blog be kept relatively family-friendly (or at least "my family"-friendly), but he does a disservice to our book idea when he truncates the title, which would be "Scary-Ass America." This much better captures the abject fear, which JF rightly notes was mostly misplaced.

Back in Brooklyn as I blog this, with JF on the Upper West Side. Separated after eight days!

Apologies that the camera ran out of juice before the final days of the trip, but we won't let it happen next year in Texas. No, sir.

We're threatening to keep this site running as a place for random posting of observations and perhaps funny photos, but we'll let you know; in the meantime, please visit Monday at least for a few more final thoughts on the trip and a recap of Sunday's Cubs-Yankees game, which, amazingly enough, JF and I are attending with his pop on Father's Day. It's been great keeping in touch with all of you during our travel. God bless the Internet -- or, as they call it in Toledo, Ohio: The Make-Believe. -JW


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